Apple PC Compatibility Card 12-inch card User Manual

Page 216

background image

MACSHARE DOS program 116
MacTCP control panel 171
memory. See also RAM; DIMM

adding 133–139
conserving 144
expanded 86
freeing for Sound Blaster install

utility 128

and networking 103
problems 120, 121, 127, 184


No Display 123
Non-system disk or disk error 122
Not Supported 123
PC Clipboard requires additional

system services 122

Starting MS-DOS 121
Starting Windows 95 121
Unknown 123

Microsoft MS-DOS Setup disk 73
Microsoft Word drivers, installing 177
MicroStation drivers, installing 176–177
MIDI device

connecting 64, 105
specifications 194


connecting 66
setting up 104–105

Monitors and Sound control panel 97
monitors. See also video

AudioVision 60
avoiding damage to 57, 61, 175
configuring 79–82, 89, 173–191
connecting a single 55–60
connecting two 60–63
customizing 191
custom monitor settings (DOS)


displaying PC and Mac OS

environments on two 60

displaying type in PC Setup control

panel 89

fixed-frequency 189–191
Monitors and Sound control panel 97

multiple-scan 60, 80, 82, 186–188
non-multiple-scan 189–191
problems 89, 123–124, 183–185
refresh rate, setting too high 175
selecting and configuring in Windows


specifications 186–191, 195
supported by Macintosh 195
switching between environments 63
user-adjustable 191
VGA 89
VGA adapters 60
video modes 186–191
video software, installing 79–82

mounting drives or containers 99–101

connecting 65
installing software for 70, 75
problems 131
using in PC environment 112

Mouse control panels (Windows) 112
MoviePlayer program, opening

QuickTime files with 116

MPEG video support, installing 180–181
M64DIAG.EXE program 183
M64VBE.COM program 182
multiple-scan monitors 60, 80, 82,



NDIS 2.0 driver 103, 159–167
NetBEUI protocol

installing for NDIS 2.0 driver

159–160, 162–163

installing for ODI driver 144–145,


NetManage Chameleon TCP/IP software,

installing 168–169

NetWare client software 103, 142–144
Network Driver Interface Specification

v.2.0. See NDIS 2.0 driver

