Belkin PM01110EA User Manual
Page 99

g Wireless router
table of contents
The setup Assistant cannot connect my router to the internet�
if the setup Assistant is not able to connect the router to the internet,
please check the following items:
1. Use the troubleshooting suggestions within the setup Assistant� if
the troubleshooting screen does not open automatically, click on the
“Troubleshoot” button in the lower, right-hand corner of the setup
Assistant window�
2. if your isP requires a user name and password, make sure that you
have typed in your user name and password correctly� some user
names require that the isP’s domain be at the end of the name�
example: “myname@myisp�com”� The “@myisp�com” part of the user
name may need to be typed as well as your user name�
if you continue to have no internet connection, reference the section titled
“Manually Configuring Network settings” (page 86 of this User Manual)
for alternate setup method�
The setup Assistant completed installation, but my web browser
doesn’t work�
i am unable to connect to the internet� The router’s “internet” light is
off and the “Modem” light is blinking�
if you cannot connect to the internet, the “internet” light is off, and the
“Modem” light is blinking, the problem may be that your modem and
router are not connected properly�
1. Make sure the network cable between the modem and the router
is connected� We strongly recommend using the cable that was
supplied with your cable or Dsl modem for this purpose� The cable
should be connected at one end to the router’s “Modem” port, and
at the other end to the network port on your modem�
2. Unplug the cable or Dsl modem from its power source for three
minutes� After three minutes, plug the modem back into its power
source� This may force the modem to properly recognize the router�
3. Unplug the power to your router, wait 10 seconds, and then
reconnect the power� This will cause the router to reattempt
communication with the modem�
if the “Modem” light on the router is not lit after completing these steps,
please contact Belkin Technical support�
4. Try shutting down and restarting your computer�