Allied Telesis AT-WR4500 User Manual
Page 83

AT-WR4500 Series - IEEE 802.11abgh Outdoor Wireless Routers
RouterOS v3 Configuration and User Guide
dst-address (IP address; default: - destination IP address (only if MAC protocol is set to IPv4)
dst-mac-address (MAC address; default: 00:00:00:00:00:00) - destination MAC address
dst-port (integer: 0..65535) - destination port number or range (only for TCP or UDP protocols)
flow (text) - individual packet mark to match
in-bridge (name) - bridge interface through which the packet is coming in
in-interface (name) - physical interface (i.e., bridge port) through which the packet is coming in
ip-protocol (ipsec-ah | ipsec-esp | ddp | egp | ggp | gre | hmp | idpr-cmtp | icmp | igmp | ipencap | encap |
ipip | iso-tp4 | ospf | pup | rspf | rdp | st | tcp | udp | vmtp | xns-idp | xtp) - IP protocol (only if MAC
protocol is set to IPv4)
ipsec-ah - IPsec AH protocol
ipsec-esp - IPsec ESP protocol
ddp - datagram delivery protocol
egp - exterior gateway protocol
ggp - gateway-gateway protocol
gre - general routing encapsulation
hmp - host monitoring protocol
idpr-cmtp - idpr control message transport
icmp - internet control message protocol
igmp - internet group management protocol
ipencap - ip encapsulated in ip
encap - ip encapsulation
ipip - ip encapsulation
iso-tp4 - iso transport protocol class 4
ospf - open shortest path first
pup - parc universal packet protocol
rspf - radio shortest path first
rdp - reliable datagram protocol
st - st datagram mode
tcp - transmission control protocol
udp - user datagram protocol
vmtp - versatile message transport
xns-idp - xerox ns idp
xtp - xpress transfer protocol
jump-target (name) - if action=jump specified, then specifies the user-defined firewall chain to process
the packet
limit (integer/time{0,1},integer) - restricts packet match rate to a given limit. Usefull to reduce the amount
of log messages
Count - maximum average packet rate, measured in packets per second (pps), unless followed by Time
Time - specifies the time interval over which the packet rate is measured
Burst - number of packets to match in a burst
log-prefix (text) - defines the prefix to be printed before the logging information
mac-protocol (integer | 802.2 | arp | ip | ipv6 | ipx | rarp | vlan) - Ethernet payload type (MAC-level
mark-flow (name) - marks existing flow
packet-type (broadcast | host | multicast | other-host) - MAC frame type:
broadcast - broadcast MAC packet
host - packet is destined to the bridge itself
multicast - multicast MAC packet
other-host - packet is destined to some other unicast address, not to the bridge itself
src-address (IP address; default: - source IP address (only if MAC protocol is set to IPv4)
src-mac-address (MAC address; default: 00:00:00:00:00:00) - source MAC address
src-port (integer: 0..65535) - source port number or range (only for TCP or UDP protocols)
stp-flags (topology-change | topology-change-ack) - The BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) flags. Bridge
exchange configuration messages named BPDU peridiocally for preventing from loop
topology-change - topology change flag is set when a bridge detects port state change, to force all other
bridges to drop their host tables and recalculate network topology
topology-change-ack - topology change acknowledgement flag is sen in replies to the notification