3 nstreme settings – Allied Telesis AT-WR4500 User Manual
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AT-WR4500 Series - IEEE 802.11abgh Outdoor Wireless Routers
RouterOS v3 Configuration and User Guide
To see current interface settings:
[admin@AT-WR4562] interface wireless> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 name="wlan1" mtu=1500 mac-address=00:0C:42:18:5C:3D arp=enabled
interface-type=Atheros AR5413 mode=station ssid="AT-WR4560" frequency=2412
band=2.4ghz-b scan-list=default antenna-mode=ant-a wds-mode=disabled
wds-default-bridge=none wds-ignore-ssid=no default-authentication=yes
default-forwarding=yes default-ap-tx-limit=0 default-client-tx-limit=0
hide-ssid=no security-profile=default compression=no
[admin@AT-WR4562] interface wireless>
Set the ssid to mmt, band to 2.4-b/g and enable the interface. Use the monitor command to see the
connection status.
[admin@AT-WR4562] interface wireless> set 0 ssid=mmt disabled=no band=2.4ghz-b/g
[admin@AT-WR4562] interface wireless> monitor wlan1
status: connected-to-ess
band: 2.4ghz-g
frequency: 2412MHz
tx-rate: "54Mbps"
rx-rate: "54Mbps"
ssid: "mmt"
bssid: 00:0C:42:05:00:14
radio-name: "000C42050014"
signal-strength: -23dBm
tx-signal-strength: -35dBm
noise-floor: -96dBm
signal-to-noise: 73dB
tx-ccq: 79%
rx-ccq: 46%
p-throughput: 28681
overall-tx-ccq: 79%
authenticated-clients: 1
current-ack-timeout: 56
wds-link: no
nstreme: no
framing-mode: none
routeros-version: "3.0"
802.1x-port-enabled: yes
compression: no
current-tx-powers: 1Mbps:19(19),2Mbps:19(19),5.5Mbps:19(19),
notify-external-fdb: no
[admin@AT-WR4562] interface wireless>
The 'ess' stands for Extended Service Set (IEEE 802.11 wireless networking).
Nstreme Settings
Submenu level: /interface wireless nstreme
You can switch a wireless card to the nstreme mode. In that case the card will work only with nstreme
Property Description
disable-csma (yes | no; default: no) - disable CSMA/CA when polling is used (better performance)
enable-nstreme (yes | no; default: no) - whether to switch the card into the nstreme mode
enable-polling (yes | no; default: yes) - whether to use polling for clients
framer-limit (integer; default: 3200) - maximal frame size
framer-policy (none | best-fit | exact-size | dynamic-size; default: none) - the method how to combine
frames. A number of frames may be combined into a bigger one to reduce the amount of protocol