Pulsafeeder MPC User Manual
Page 48
Digital In #2
J11 pins 2-3
User to provide dry-contact input *
*All digital inputs require a dry contact input
(maximum of 2K Ohm contact resistance to register as
“active”). Do not apply power to these terminals.
* Digital input functions:
1. Remote on/off control of metering pump
2. Level input from supply tank
3. Leak detection of the metering pump
4. Flow detection, with use of external flow switch
Control Outputs
Specification / Description
Analog Out #1
J23 pins 5-
4-20mA output for pump flow indication
Max voltage out 12 Volts; Max current out 30mA;
Max load resistance 300 Ohm
Internally protected with resetable fuse
Digital Out #1
J23 pins 1-
Transistor-based output, various functions *
Digital Out #2
J23 pins 2-
Transistor-based output, various functions *
Digital Out #3
J23 pins 3-
Transistor-based output, various functions *
All digital outputs maximum 40 VDC, maximum 500
NOTE: requires external power source
* Digital output functions:
1. Triggering an external relay due to a fault condition
2. Auto/Manual status
3. On/Off status
4. Pulse output – Indication each time the pump strokes
5. Leak detection status indication
6. Tank level status indication
Controller includes an on board program for signal and flow
Input Voltage: 115 (105-125 acceptable range) or 230 (208 – 240 acceptable
range) VAC
Note: factory configured only for correct input voltage range
(specified at time of purchase) Single phase input only 50 or 60
Input frequency range 48 Hz to 62 Hz
Motor Req:
Commercially available motor supplied by the manufacturer of
the pump controller.