Installation, Plumbing connections – Blodgett BLCT User Manual
Page 11

Plumbing Connections
CLeAninG & DeLiminG CHemiCAL
1. BCT/BLCT-61, 62, 101, 102 and 202 ovens only. The
oven is supplied with a chemical bottle holder. The
holder can be affixed to either side of the oven. Place
it on the stand crossmember.
Figure 5
2. Connect the supplied detergent tubes (red and blue)
to the underside of the oven near the rear. Connect
the blue hose to the fitting with the blue sticker and
the red hose to the fitting with the red sticker.
Red Sticker
Blue Sticker
Red Tube
Blue Tube
Figure 6
3. Insert the blue and red hoses into the proper bottles.
Red is for detergent, blue is for rinse aid.
4. BCT only - The last line is for the delimer. This is the
tan colored tube protroding from the bottom of the
oven. Cut the tubing to the proper length, if needed,
and place the tubing into the delime bottle.
NOTE: If the tube is cut to length, remove the stain-
less steel weight from the end of the tube
and reinsert.