6 inserting comments into program – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 83

Section 5. Program Creation and Editing
Public Temp, RH, WindSp, WindDir, _
BatteryV, IntRH, IntTemp, RainTot, _
RainInt, Solar Inserting Comments Into Program
It is often useful to provide comments in your datalogger program so that when
you review the program at a later date, you will know what each section of
code does. Comments can be inserted into the program by preceding the text
with a single quote. When the program is compiled, the datalogger compiler
will ignore any text that is preceded by a single quote. A comment can be
placed at the beginning of a line or it can be placed after program code. If
Syntax Highlighting is enabled (Options | Editor Preferences | Syntax
Highlighting), commented text will appear formatted differently than other
lines of code.
'The following program is used to measure
'4 thermocouples
Dim TCTemp(4)
'Dimension TC measurement variable
Alias TCTemp(1)=EngineCoolantT
'Rename variables
Alias TCTemp(2)=BrakeFluidT
Alias TCTemp(3)=ManifoldT
Alias TCTemp(4)=CabinT
In the sample code above, the datalogger compiler will ignore the commented