Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 66

Section 5. Program Creation and Editing
Print Preview – Opens a Print Preview screen that will show what
the program will look like when printed. You can check and set the
margins and printer options.
Undo – Each time the Undo button is clicked it will step back
through the last changes made to the program.
Redo – Cancels the undo and steps forward restoring the changes.
Cut – Removes the selected part of the program and puts it on the
clipboard to be pasted elsewhere.
Copy – Places a copy of the selected part of the program on the
clipboard to be pasted elsewhere.
Paste – Inserts a copy of the contents of the clipboard into the
program at the cursor location.
Find – Brings up a Find dialog to specify a text string to search for
in the program. Click the Find Next button or press F3 to go to
successive occurrences of the text.
Replace – Brings up a Find and Replace dialog that allows you to
specify a text string to search for and a text string to replace it with.
You can replace all occurrences of the text or check them one at a
time to make sure they should be replaced.
Find Next – Finds the next occurrence of the text string specified in
the Find dialog.
Compile – Starts the compiler to check the current program for
errors and consistency. Compile results and errors will be displayed
in the message area at the bottom of the screen.
Save and Compile – Saves and then compiles the opened file.
Previous Error – Moves the cursor to the part of the program where
the previous error was identified.
Next Error – Moves the cursor to the part of the program where the
next error was identified.
Instruction Panel – Controls whether the Instruction Panel is
displayed. Hiding the Instruction Panel allows more room in the
window to view the program.
Toggle Bookmark – Adds a bookmark to the line where the cursor
resides. If a bookmark already exists, it will remove the bookmark.
Previous Bookmark – Moves backward to the previous bookmark
in the program.
Next Bookmark – Moves down to the next bookmark in the