Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 18

Preface — What's New in RTDAQ?
• The timestamp has been placed in the status bar and is displayed when the
vertical cursor is used to step through values.
• The Line Graph now has the ability to add a right Y-axis.
Device Configuration Utility
• The Device Configuration Utility has a new off-line mode which allows
you to look at the settings for a certain device type without actually being
connected to a device.
• Split has a new “Time Sync to First Record” option that can be used with
the time-sync function to avoid blank lines at the start of the output file.
• Also, a range of time values rather than a single time can now be entered
in a Split Copy Condition.
• CardConvert can now be run from a command line without user
Miscellaneous other changes and bug fixes have also been implemented in this