Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 300

Section 10. Utilities
• outputting data when engine RPM exceeds a limit
The unconditional array data (the stop condition) would be output to a unique
array when the engine is turned off. By processing the data with Split using
the C option, the data collected during each test could be merged on to one
line, with blanks inserted if a set of data didn't exist (e.g., if the engine
temperature never exceeded the defined limit).
• An Input File must be set up for each array ID in the test. The first Input
File is configured on the Input File tab that appears when you open Split.
Additional Input Files are added by choosing Edit | Add Data File from the
Split menu. The same data file will be used as the Input File for each
• Type in the array ID in the Copy field of the Input File tab for each array.
The array ID is the first element of a data file, so the line should read
1[123], where 123 is the actual array ID you want to process.
• In the Select field, type in the number for each element (data value) you
want to be output in the report.
• In the Stop Condition field, type in a "C," followed by the ID of your stop
condition array. If your "end of test" array was array ID 200, the Stop
Condition field would read: C,1[200]. This should be typed into the Stop
Condition fields of each array, including the "end of test" array.
Set up the Output File as you would for any Split process. If you are including
column headings, the arrays and elements will appear in the order they are
listed on the Input File tabs. That is, the first column will be Input File number
1, element number 1; the next column is Input File number 1, element number
2… Input File number 2, element number 1 follows in the column immediately
after the last element of Input File number 1.
Consider Table 10.3-2 below:
TABLE 10.3-2. Example of Event Driven Test Data Set
Data from arrays
output during the
first test.
Second test.
Third test.
This table contains four different output arrays: 100, 101, 102, and 200.
During the first test, data was output from all three conditional arrays (100,
101, and 102), with 200 signaling the end of the test. During the second test,