2 adding items for display on the graph, 3 moving and resizing the graph window, 4 basic graph operation – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 168: 2 adding ite, Ms for display on the graph

Section 7. Monitoring Data in Real-time
7.4.2 Adding Ite
Use the Add button
ms for Display on the Graph
to select the desired values to be graphed. The Add
Selection screen appears for you to make your selections. Drag and drop the
desired items into the Selected Fields area of the Graph window, or highlight
the desired items, select the cell where the data value should appear, and press
Paste. You may add one or more traces from same table, and also add traces
from different tables.
For more information on using the Add Selection dialog box, see the Add
Selection description in the Monitoring Data in Real-Time section found
earlier in this chapter.
7.4.3 Moving and Resizing the Graph Window
The Graph screen can be moved by dragging the title bar. You can resize a
Graph screen as desired by dragging the window corners. You can also
maximize, restore, and minimize the screen using the standard buttons in the
upper-right corner of the window, or by clicking on the window’s icon in the
upper-left corner. When minimized, the Graph screen shows as an icon on the
task bar. Use the close button (red X) to shut down a Graph screen. There is
also a help button (? : the question-mark button ) that brings up online help
about the Graph window.
7.4.4 Basic Graph Operation
Once the desired fields are in place, press the Start button to begin graphing
the data.
The Real Time Graph displays data from the datalogger as quickly as it can.
Data value items will be displayed in the graphical area of the Graph screen.
Press the Stop button to discontinue retrieving and graphing data. The Graph
window displays the Start button when the Graph window is stopped, and