3 movement and resizing of the rainflow window, 4 selecting tables and bins for display – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual
Page 220

Section 7. Monitoring Data in Real-time
7.10.3 Movement and Resizing of the Rainflow Window
The Rainflow screen can be moved by dragging the title bar. You can resize a
Rainflow screen as desired by dragging the window corners. You can also
maximize, restore and minimize the screen using the standard buttons in the
upper-right corner of the window, or by clicking on the window’s icon in the
upper-left corner. When minimized, the Rainflow screen shows as an icon on
the Windows task bar. Use the close button (red X) to finish using a Rainflow
screen. There is also a help button (? : the question-mark button) that brings up
online help about the Rainflow window.
7.10.4 Selecting Tables and Bins For Display
To display a rainflow histogram you must select a table and bin for display.
First, use the Select Table drop-down box to choose a table containing a
rainflow output instruction. Only tables with rainflow outputs will be listed.
Some CRBasic programs are written with more than one Rainflow output
instruction in the same table, in which case multiple items will show on this
list. Next use the Select Bin drop-down box to choose the desired bin for
display from that table. With these two items properly selected, you can press
the Start button to begin monitoring rainflow histograms as they are received
by RTDAQ from the datalogger.
The y-axis scale is shown on the left side of the display, and the x-axis scale is
shown at the bottom of the display.