4 select cr200 compiler, 5 sensor support – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual

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Section 5. Program Creation and Editing

battery or loss of power condition. This may be useful when calculations are
used to control devices. You may, for example, want to ensure that pumps or
controls are off when a datalogger powers up so as to make the control
decision based on a fresh measurement. See the datalogger manual for a full
description of this feature. Select CR200 Compiler

Use this setting to select the directory and executable name that will be used to
pre-compile the CR200/205 program to check for errors.

Most Campbell Scientific dataloggers are sent an ASCII program file, which
they then compile into machine code. The CR200/205 does not have enough
memory and processing capability to do this compilation, so it’s necessary to
compile the program file into the binary version used by the datalogger itself.
This compilation is done by Short Cut to check for errors in the program
before sending it. It’s done again by LoggerNet, RTDAQ, PC400, or PC200W
when sending the program to the datalogger. Compilation is performed using a
special executable that mimics the functions and capability in the datalogger’s
operating system. Therefore, the compiler executable must match the
datalogger’s operating system or the datalogger may fail to run the compiled
binary (*.BIN) program. LoggerNet, RTDAQ, PC400, PC200W, and Short
Cut are installed with precompilers for all of the released versions of the
CR200/205 operating systems. If, at some time in the future, you acquire a
newer CR200/205, or choose to install a later operating system, you must make
sure you also have the compiler executable that matches. These compiler
executables are typically installed in a library directory. By default, this
directory would be installed as:


If you receive an operating system update, you should copy the compiler
associated with it to this directory. If, for some reason, you put the compiler in
a different directory, this menu item provides a way to choose that compiler
executable. Sensor Support

The Sensor Support option is used to select which group of sensor files will be
displayed when creating a program: Campbell Scientific, Inc., (CSI) or
Campbell Scientific, Ltd. (CSL). The standard set of Short Cut sensor files
was created by CSI; however, CSL has created some additional files that are
customized for their client base. When one option is selected, the sensor files
developed specifically for the other are filtered out.

This dialog box is displayed the very first time you create a program for a
specific datalogger type; it will not be displayed thereafter. With each
subsequent program you create, the group of sensor files that you chose when
the datalogger was initialized in Short Cut will be used. However, you can
change this setting at any time. If you make a change, the setting will remain
in effect for all programs for that datalogger type (whether they are new
programs or edited programs) until it is changed again.
