Appendix g. cr10x programming example, N appendix g – Campbell Scientific AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces User Manual

Page 91

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Appendix G. CR10X Programming


Although this example is for the CR10X, the CR23X is programmed similarly.





*Table 1 Program

01: 900

Execution Interval (seconds)

1: Do (P86)

1: 42

Set Port 2 High

2: Beginning of Loop (P87)

1: 0000


2: 16

Loop Count

3: Do (P86)

1: 73

Pulse Port 3

4: Excitation with Delay (P22)

1: 1

Ex Channel

2: 0000

Delay W/Ex (0.01 sec units)

3: 10

Delay After Ex (0.01 sec units)

4: 0000

mV Excitation

5: SDI-12 Recorder (P105)

1: 0

SDI-12 Address

2: 1

Start Measurement (aM1!)

3: 1


4: 91

Loc [ VW ]

5: 1.0


6: 0.0


6: Z=X (P31)

;Write Freq to inlocs 1-16

1: 91

X Loc [ VW ]

2: 1

-- Z Loc [ Freq_1 ]

7: Z=X (P31)

;Write Amp to inlocs 17-32

1: 92

X Loc [ Amplitude ]

2: 17

-- Z Loc [ Amp_1 ]

8: Z=X (P31)

;Write Signal to Noise ratio to inlocs 33-48

1: 93

X Loc [ Sig2Noise ]

2: 3

-- Z Loc [ S2Noise_1 ]

9: Z=X (P31)

;Write Frequency of Noise to inlocs 49-64

1: 94

X Loc [ NoiseFreq ]

2: 49

-- Z Loc [ NsFreq_1 ]
