Campbell Scientific AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces User Manual

Page 61

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AVW200-series 2-Channel Vibrating Wire Spectrum Analyzer Modules

' Example Program running SDI12 commands with the Datalogger controlling

' 2 mux's. For this program, the AVW SDI-12 port is connected to DL C1.

' The reset line of both muxes is connected to datalogger C3. Mux1 clock line

' is connected to DL C4 and Mux2clock line is connected to DL C5. The SDI-12

' address of the AVW200 is set to 1.


Public PTemp, batt_volt

Public Chan1_Val(16,6),Chan2_Val(16,6)

Dim I


Scan (150,Sec,0,0)



PortSet(3, 1)

' Reset High, Mux On, both mux's share this reset port

Delay(1, 100, mSec)

' delay before clocking

' ************ Measure 16 vibrating wire sensor on AVW200 channel 1

For I=1 To 16

' Advance Mux #1 (clock line connected to C4; clock high for 2mSec)

PulsePort(4, 2000)

Delay(1, 10, mSec) ' Mux Settling Time

'measures sensor on channel 1

SDI12Recorder (Chan1_Val(I,1),1,1,"M1!",1.0,0)

Next I

' ************ Measure 16 vibrating wire sensor on AVW200 channel 2

For I=1 To 16

' Advance Mux #2 (clock line connected to C5; clock high for 2mSec)

PulsePort(5, 2000)

Delay(1, 10, mSec)

' Mux Settling Time

'measures sensor on channel 2

SDI12Recorder (Chan2_Val(I,1),1,1,"M2!",1.0,0)

Next I

PortSet(3, 0)

' Reset Low; turn both Muxes off

