2 temperature, Temperature, Figure 2-2 – Campbell Scientific AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces User Manual

Page 18: N figure 2-2

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AVW200-series 2-Channel Vibrating Wire Spectrum Analyzer Modules

FIGURE 2-2. DevConfig plots showing the AVW200 measurement


Please note that the use of the special FFT algorithm to achieve better noise

immunity does require time for computation, which limits the maximum

vibrating wire measurement rate to 2 seconds per sensor. Running a program

at rates faster than this will result in compile/download errors.
Read more! You can find Troubleshoot tool information in Section 5.5 and

Appendix F; and detailed programming information in Section 6.

2.2 Temperature

The AVW200 contains a completion resistor for measuring the internal

thermistor contained in many vibrating wire sensors. The thermistor’s

resistance changes with the internal temperature of the sensor. This

temperature can be used to correct errors in the vibrating wire measurement

due to thermal expansion/contraction of the sensor body. The temperature

correction is often used when the temperature of the medium that the sensor is

measuring is changing (e.g. water temperature in a river or shallow lake).

Temperature is calculated by applying the resistance to a known equation such

as the Steinhart-Hart equation. The Steinhart-Hart coefficients for your sensor

are found in the sensor’s user manual.



Noise Amplitude

Resonant Frequency

Noise Frequency

Beginning Amplitude

Ending Amplitude