4. wiring for sequential mode examples – Campbell Scientific AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces User Manual

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AVW200-series 2-Channel Vibrating Wire Spectrum Analyzer Modules

TABLE 7-4 shows the wiring used for both Sequential Mode examples.

TABLE 7-4. Wiring for Sequential Mode Examples

Datalogger Port for

Cable Attachment

Cable Needed to

connect to AVW200

AVW200 Port or


COM1 (control port

pairs C1/C2)

17855 Cable (pigtail to

DB9 male cable)


7.4.1 AVW200 Controlling Two Multiplexers in Sequential Mode

' Example Program running in the Sequential mode with AVW200 controlling

' 2 muxes. The clock and reset lines of both muxes are connected to the clk

' and rst lines of the AVW200.


Public PTemp, batt_volt

Public Result1, Result2, AVWDst(32,6)

Const Chan1 = 1

' AVW200 channel 1

Const Chan2 = 2

' AVW200 channel 2

Const MuxChan = 1

' Starting Mux Channel

Const Reps = 16

' Number of Reps

Const BFreq = 450

' Begin Frequency

Const EFreq = 6000

' End Frequency

Const Xvolt = 2

' 12p-p Volt Excite


SerialOpen (Com1,38400,0,0,10000)

Scan (64,Sec,0,0)

' (2 * 32 measurement) = 64 seconds


Battery (Batt_volt)


AVW200(Result2, Com1,200,200,AVWDst(17,1),Chan2,MuxChan,Reps,Bfreq,Efreq,Xvolt,_60Hz,1,0)



7.4.2 Datalogger Controlling Two Multiplexers in Sequential Mode

This example program has the datalogger controlling the multiplexers. Note

that the AVW200( ) parameter for reps is one, and x is a index variable in


' Example Program running in the Sequential mode with the Datalogger

' controlling the muxes. For this program, the reset line of both muxes is

' connected to datalogger C3. Mux1 clock line is connected to DL C4 and Mux2

' clock line is connected to DL C5.


Public PTemp, batt_volt, x

Public Result1, Result2, AVWDst(32,6)