F.1 good sensor examples – Campbell Scientific AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces User Manual

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Appendix F. Time Series and Spectrum

Graph Information

The AVW200 uses an audio A/D for capturing the sensor’s signal. The

number of samples acquired in this period is 4096 points. A Fast Fourier

Transform (FFT) algorithm is used to create a frequency spectrum. The

frequency spectrum is displayed in the graph labeled “Spectrum” (see FIGURE

F-1). This graph shows each of the frequencies and the voltage amplitude in


The “Time Series” graph is the acquired or sampled data in the time domain.

The graph shows the combination of all the frequencies coming from the

vibrating wire sensor shortly after the sensors excitation. The dominate

frequency is the natural resonating frequency of the vibrating wire. The other

frequencies can include noise pickup (i.e., motors close to the sensor, pickup

from long wires), harmonics of the natural frequency or harmonics of the noise

(50/60 Hz harmonics) and/or mechanical obstruction (loosing of the wire or the

wire vibration is physically changed by the package movement). The

AVW200 computes a signal-to-noise diagnostic by dividing the response

amplitude by the noise amplitude.

The “Time Series” graph shows the decay from the start of the sampling to the

end of the sampling. The decay is the dampening of the wire over time. The

AVW200 computes a decay ratio diagnostic from the time series ending

amplitude divided by the beginning amplitude. Some sensors will decay very

rapidly, others not. It is a good idea to characterize the sensors decay and

amplitude when the sensor is new, so that over time the health of the sensor can

be monitored.

By changing the begin and end frequencies in the options tab, the affects of

narrowing can be of value for troubleshooting and solving problems with errant

sensors, or improving the measurement. Care should be taken to ensure that

when you change the begin and end frequency that the frequency range still

captures the sensor’s signal.

F.1 Good Sensor Examples

FIGURE F-1 and Figure FIGURE F-2 are measurement results from the same

sensor — the first measurement was taken with a swept frequency between 200

and 2200 Hz while the second measurement was taken with a swept frequency

between 200 and 6500 Hz. Using the tighter frequency range (FIGURE F-1),

the measurement recorded the greatest sensor noise at a frequency of 935 Hz

with a signal-to-noise ratio of 318. Sweeping the same sensor over the far

wider range of 200 to 6500 Hz (FIGURE F-2) uncovers noise at 4150 Hz with

a signal-to-noise ratio of 21.4, which is 15 times less than the signal-to-noise

ratio of the first measurement. This illustrates that better readings are produced

when the sensor is swept over more narrow frequency ranges. Also, with the

narrowed range (FIGURE F-1), the noise frequency that exists at 4150 Hz is

completely ignored and is not relevant because it lies outside the sampling

frequency range; excitation is limited outside the swept frequency range as

