Red Lion DLC User Manual
Page 22

Process Current Calibration *
Process current calibration requires a precision signal source with an
accuracy of 0.03% (or better) that is capable of generating 20.00 mA.
1. Connect the signal source to the proper DLC terminals.
2. Verify the input jumper is in the 20 mA position.
3. Enter 15 (for current input) into register 40101 (Ch A) or 40201 (Ch B).
4. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
5. To start current calibration, enter 15 (Ch A) or 115 (Ch B) into register 40501.
6. Apply 0.00 mA for a minimum of 10 seconds.
7. To store 0.00 mA reading, enter 16 (Ch A) or 116 (Ch B) into register 40501.
8. Apply 20.00 mA for a minimum of 10 seconds.
9. To store 20.00 mA reading, enter 17 (Ch A) or 117 (Ch B) into register 40501.
10. To save the calibration results and close calibration mode, enter 0 into
register 40501.
Analog Output Voltage Calibration
Analog Output Voltage calibration requires a precision meter with an
accuracy of 0.05% (or better) that is capable of measuring 10.00 V.
1. Connect the meter to the proper DLC terminals.
2. Verify the output jumpers are in the V positions.
3. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
4. To start 0 volt calibration, enter 30 (Out 1) or 130 (Out 2) into register 40501.
5. Adjust register 40502 value until the external meter displays 0.00 V.
6. To start 10 volt calibration, enter 31 (Out 1) or 131 (Out 2) into register 40501.
7. Adjust register 40502 value until the external meter displays 10.00 V.
8. To save the calibration results and close calibration mode, enter 0 into register
Analog Output Current Calibration
Analog Output Current calibration requires a precision meter with an
accuracy of 0.05% (or better) that is capable of measuring 20.00 mA.
1. Connect the meter to the proper DLC terminals
2. Verify the output jumpers are in the I position.
3. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
4. To start 0 mA calibration, enter 32 (Out 1) or 132 (Out 2) into register 40501.
5. Adjust register 40502 value until the external meter displays 0.00 mA.
6. To start 20 mA calibration, enter 33 (Out 1) or 133 (Out 2) into register 40501.
7. Adjust register 40502 value until the external meter displays 20.00 mA.
8. To save the calibration results and close calibration mode, enter 0 into register
Restore Factory Settings
The Factory Settings are listed in the DLC Register Table. This restore does
not affect the calibration or communication settings of the DLC but may change
all other settings for the channel.
1. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
2. To restore Factory Settings, enter 66 (Input Ch A and Analog Out 1) or 166
(Input Ch B and Analog Out 2) into register 40501.
3. To save the restore results and close calibration mode, enter 0 into register
Clear Setpoint Controller Segment Memory
1. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
2. To clear Setpoint Controller Segment memory, enter 67 (CHA Segment
memory) or 167 (CHB Segment Memory) into register 40501.
3. To save the Clear results and close calibration mode, enter 0 into register
Nominal Calibration Settings
Nominal Calibration Settings does not require any calibration signals nor
meters. This calibration should not be performed under normal circumstances.
Caution: This procedure results in up to ±10% reading error and the DLC will
no longer be within factory specifications.
1. To open calibration mode, enter 48 into register 40501.
2. To enter Nominal Calibration Settings, enter 77 (Input Ch A and Analog Out
1) or 177 (Input Ch B and Analog Out 2) into register 40501.
3. To save the Nominal Calibration Settings and close calibration mode, enter 0
into register 40501.
- Dependent on successful mV calibration.