Step 11 monitoring profile operation (optional) – Red Lion DLC User Manual

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Profile Error Band Mode (Guaranteed Soak) (40322/40422): Profile conformity can be assured by using the profile Error Band Mode and Error Band

parameter. If the process value deviates outside the error band value while a profile is running, the controller enters the delay mode. In the delay mode,
the profile phase timer is held (delayed) until the process value is within the deviation error band value - the Error band hysteresis value. At this time, the
profile continues running unless the process value again deviates. These actions assure that the actual process value conforms to the profile.

Disable Error Band: Error band operation is disabled.

Ramp Phase Only Error Band: The Profile Error Band only applies to the ramp phases of the running profile.

Hold Phase Only Error Band: The Profile Error Band only applies to hold phases of the running profile.

Ramp & Hold Phase Error Band: The Profile Error Band applies to both ramp and hold phases of the running profile.

Profile Error Band (40323/40423): During a hold phase, the profile is paused when the process error is >= the Profile Error Band. The profile will remain

paused until the process error (deviation) is within the Profile Error Band (Error Band-Error Band Hysteresis).

Profile Error Band Hysteresis (40324/40424): Controls the process value at which the profile will come out of an error band delay. If in error band delay,

the profile phase timer is held (delayed) until the process value is within the deviation error band value - the Error band hysteresis value.

Profile End Segment (40325/40425): The Profile End Segment indicates the last segment (i.e., the number of segments to be used in a profile) that is to be

ran in the profile before it stops or re-starts (dependent on Profile Cycle Count/Profile Cycle Count remaining).

Profile Cycle Count (40326/40426): Once a profile is started, it runs the number of cycles programmed in this register and then automatically defaults to

the Profile End Control Mode. If this parameter is changed while the profile is active, the new value (if less than 250) will not take effect until the profile
is stopped and re-started. If the Profile Cycle Count is set to 250 (continuous profile cycling), the change will take affect immediately.

Profile End Control Mode (40327/40427): This parameter sets the type of control action that will be used when the number of profile cycles as programmed

in the Profile Cycle Count parameter has run to completion.
Control Outputs Off : Control is turned off by putting the controller in manual mode at 0% Power. Control can be resumed by changing the Control

Mode (40041/40049) to Automatic.

Automatic: When configured for Automatic the controller will continue controlling at the last setpoint value.

Setpoint Controller Setpoint Segment Registers 1-20 (40601-40620[ChA]/40701-

40720[ChB]): The setpoints for the profile are written in these registers. The values are limited
by the Setpoint Lo and Setpoint Hi limits registers. Register (40601/40701) is the Setpoint for
the 1st segment of the profile.

Setpoint Controller Ramp Rate Segment Registers 1-20 (40621-40640[ChA]/40721-

40740[ChB]): The Ramp Rates for the profile are written in these registers. Register
(40621/40721) is the Ramp Rate for the 1st segment of the profile. A ramp rate of 0 disables
setpoint ramping.

Setpoint Controller Hold Time Segment Registers 1-20 (40641-40660[ChA]/40741-

40760[ChB]): The Hold Times for the profile are written in these registers. Register
(40641/40741) is the Hold Time for the 1st segment of the profile. Segment Hold times of 0
can be used to achieve a ramp with multiple slopes.

Profile Operating Status/Mode (40065/40073)

Stop/Off: The Stop/Off status indicates the profile is dormant or off. A profile can be stopped by setting this register to 0, by allowing a profile to run to

completion, or by removing and re-applying power when the Power Cycle Mode is configured for stop. If the profile was terminated during a ramp
phase, the unit will continue to ramp to the active setpoint.

Abort: Abort is a command action that can be used quickly to stop the profile and turn off the control outputs. The controller is placed into manual mode

at 0% output power. Following the abort command the Profile Operating Status will go to 0 (Stop/Off).

Run/Start: The profile is in the run mode when it is executing. While running, the profile can be stopped (0), paused (3), or advanced to the next phase.

A profile can be started and placed into the Run mode automatically when the controller is powered-up (see Profile Power Cycle Mode). If the profile
was previously stopped, when it is placed in to the Run/Start mode (2), the controller will be put into automatic control (if it was in manual) and start
the profile at the first segment. If the controller was in manual mode prior to starting the profile, the controller will start ramping from the current
process value. If the profile was "paused," it will resume operation. The advancement of the profile can be viewed in the Profile Phase (40066/40074)
and Profile Segment register (40067/40075).