Amode/asel – Vaisala DMT346 User Manual
Page 120

User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
120 __________________________________________________________________ M210762EN-G
Select Quantity
by pressing the ▲▼ arrow buttons. Confirm your
selection by pressing CHANGE.
Select the quantity by using the arrow buttons. Press SELECT to
confirm your selection.
Select Scale, lower limit,
by pressing the ▲▼arrow buttons. Press
SET to confirm your selection. Press OK to confirm your setting.
Select the upper limit
by pressing the ▲▼arrow buttons. Use the
arrow buttons to set the upper limit value. Press SET to confirm
your selection. Press OK to confirm your setting.
Press EXIT to return to the basic display.
Use the serial line to select and scale the analog output quantities. Check
the analog output modes with the AMODE command.
Ch1 output : 0...1V
Ch2 output : 0...1V
Select and scale the quantities for the analog outputs with the command
ASEL. Note that the optional quantities can be selected only if they have
been selected when ordering the device.
ASEL [xxx yyy zzz]
xxx =
Quantity of channel 1
yyy =
Quantity of channel 2
zzz =
Quantity of the optional analog output channel 3
Always enter all the quantities for all outputs. For quantities and their
abbreviations see Table 5 on page 20.
Use the ASEL [xxx yyy] command as shown in the example below when
using a device with two analog outputs.
Ch1 Tdf low : -20.00 'C ?
Ch1 Tdf high : 100.00 'C ?
Ch2 x low : 0.00 g/kg ?
Ch2 x high : 500.00 g/kg ?