Freestyle 5™ en, Why your physician prescribed oxygen – AirSep MN167-1 User Manual
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FreeStyle 5™
MN167-1 rev. – 02/13
Why Your Physician Prescribed Oxygen
Many people suffer from a variety of heart, lung, and other respiratory diseases.
A significant number of these patients can benefit from supplemental oxygen
therapy at home, when traveling, or while participating in daily activities away
from home.
Oxygen is a gas that makes up 21% of the room air we breathe. Our bodies
depend on a steady supply to function properly. Your physician prescribed a flow
or setting to address your particular respiratory condition.
Although oxygen is a non-addictive drug, unauthorized oxygen therapy can be
dangerous. You must seek medical advice before you use this oxygen
concentrator. The Equipment Provider who supplies your oxygen equipment will
demonstrate how to operate the FreeStyle 5 Portable Oxygen Concentrator.
What is the FreeStyle 5 Portable Oxygen Concentrator?
Oxygen concentrators were introduced in the mid-1970’s and have become the
most convenient, reliable source of supplemental oxygen available today.
Oxygen concentrators are the most cost-effective, efficient, and safest alternative
to using high-pressure oxygen cylinders or liquid oxygen. An oxygen
concentrator provides all the oxygen you need with no cylinder or bottle
deliveries required.
The air we breathe contains approximately 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1%
other gases. In the FreeStyle 5 unit, room air passes through a regenerative,
adsorbent material called “molecular sieve.” This material separates the oxygen
from the nitrogen. The result is a flow of high-concentration oxygen delivered to
the patient.
FreeStyle 5 combines advanced oxygen concentrator technology along with
oxygen conserving technology for a lightweight, high capacity portable oxygen
concentrator at just 6.2 lb (2.8kg). The FreeStyle 5 efficiently produces its own
oxygen, and quickly delivers it as a pulse of oxygen at the very beginning of your
inhalation. This eliminates the waste associated with a continuous flow oxygen
device that even flows oxygen while you are exhaling. This pulsing of the oxygen
is equivalent to continuous flow. FreeStyle 5 produces the equivalent of up to 5
LPM (liters per minute) in a lightweight package that can be easily carried and
used away from the home.
FreeStyle 5 operates from four different power sources. (Refer to the Power
Supplies section of this manual.)