Mxmib mib keyword customization – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 141

and the full CFG filename must be listed on individual lines. Each line in the file is processed
as it would be by running the mxmib -a command individually on each individual MIB file.
-l lists all the MIBs registered in Systems Insight Manager. Supplying no arguments to mxmib
defaults to running mxmib -l.
-t lists the traps in the specified MIB
-d unregisters a MIB,
The initial command to register the file uses the .cfg extension, but all subsequent commands
refer to the file by its .mib extension.
is order sensitive. While the command enables you to compile MIBs whose
dependencies have not been compiled, for optimal results, HP recommends that you register MIBs
with Systems Insight Manager in order of dependency. If you do not compile MIBs in order of
dependency, Systems Insight Manager might not properly resolve varbind data for incoming traps
from MIB X when a varbind has been imported from MIB Y that was not registered prior to
registering MIB X. MIB dependencies are typically identified at the top of MIB files in the IMPORTS
section ad are discussed in the mcompile section. Note that failing to compile imported MIBs
properly does not block reception of traps; it only limits the data captured for some traps.
mxmib MIB keyword customization
After using mcompile to parse and validate the source MIB, you can customize the resulting CFG
file for support in Systems Insight Manager. Specifically, there are special keywords that can be
defined on a per-trap basis. At the conclusion of this section, there is a full example. The keywords
and their usage are as follows.
The TYPE keyword provides a way to add a short description of the trap to Systems Insight Manager.
This short description can be used when sending a paging message. This enhances the ability to
transmit information without being verbose. This keyword does not provide any functional purpose;
however, it does represent the primary display string for the trap when it is displayed in Systems
Insight Manager. Note that while the TYPE field does not need to be unique, but HP recommends
that the combination of TYPE and CATEGORY fields form a unique pair so that this event can be
effectively searched for using the Event by Category/Type search criteria.
The SEVERITY keyword can be used to alter the severity of a trap. The vendor who created the
MIB might have decided that the trap, under most circumstances, only warrants a severity level of
informational. However, you might need to escalate the trap's severity based on operational
importance. Therefore, this keyword overrides default severity. The allowable severity levels are
shown below. Many vendors have different severities specified in their MIBs such as Normal,
Warning, Degraded, Broken, and so on. These severities must be changed in the base MIB or
CFG to one that matches Systems Insight Manager. For example, Degraded can be mapped to
Minor or Major, depending on the degradation. Editing the MIB or CFG and doing a
search/replace on the severities is the easiest way to tweak the MIB. Systems Insight Manager
also provides a GUI to change the SEVERITY after MIB compilation.
Events of this type require no attention. They are provided as useful information.
Events of this type indicate a warning condition that can escalate into a more serious problem.
MIB management tools