HP Multi-Site Traffic Director sa9200 User Manual

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HP Multi-Site Traffic Director Server Appliance SA9200 User Guide


HP SA9200/config/dns/agents# ..

HP SA9200/config/dns# isvgroups

HP SA9200/config/dns/isvgroups# delete


ISV Group westcoastsite deleted

HP SA9200/config/dns/isvgroups# commit all

Warning: Your active configuration will be

overwritten.Are you sure you want to commit the

configuration (yes|no) ? yes

Configuration has been committed

Step 7. Bring the new westcoastbroker hardware on line.

After the commit, the site known as westcoastsite no longer receives
traffic from new referrals. It may still continue to receive some
residual traffic from cached referrals or current connections.
Configure the load balancer known as the westcoastbroker. Verify
that it has the service configured.

Step 8. Enable the westcoastbroker.

After this step, both sites are operational and can talk to the load

HP SA9200/config/dns/agents# westcoastbroker


Agent Enabled