HP Designjet Z6200 Photo Printer User Manual
Page 219

maintenance cartridges 79
paper 50
printheads 79
out-of-memory error 172
overlapping images 157
overlapping lines 88
overnight job scenario 181
page size 84
cannot load 160
displaying information 46
economical use of 91
feed and cut 50
mismatch action 28
overview 30
personalize list 27
print on loaded paper 86
printing paper info 49
select type 86
size 84
tips 30, 50
usage 118
paper advance calibration 46
paper jam
take-up reel 162
paper not flat 151
paper presets
downloading 47
paper sizes (max & min) 204
paper types
front panel names 31
supported 31
pen settings ineffective 157
print 123
resize image 121
physical specifications 205
power on/off 11
power specifications 205
preventive maintenance 136
preview a print 87
print a photo with Photoshop 123
print file 81
print job
create 81
ink usage 118
nesting 92
paper usage 118
stored 82
submit 81
print on loaded paper 86
print preview 87
print quality
changing 82
print resolution 204
print-quality problems
banding 149
blurred lines 148
bronzing 150
colors inaccurate 153
general 145
graininess 150
horizontal lines 149
ink marks 151
line thickness 146
misaligned colors 148
paper not flat 151
smudging 151
stepped lines 147
top of print 152
troubleshooting tools 145
warped lines 149
wood-grain appearance 158
printer does not print 170
printer software
Mac OS uninstall 20
Windows direct install 15
Windows network install 14
Windows uninstall 15
printer's main components 4
printer's main features 4
about 59
cannot insert 165
clean; purge 165
cleaning 68
cleaning connections 68
information 78
inserting 66
ordering 79
recovery 68
removing 63
reseat, reseat 165
specification 204
printhead cleaner
cannot insert 165
specification 204
printhead drop detector
clean 69
printing paper info 49
Proactive Support 178
product models 2
quality, high 84
rear view
1.1m printer 6
1.5m printer 7
refilling ink cartridges 58
reprint a job 115
rescale a print 86
resize image with Photoshop 121
resolution 204
roll paper
loading into the printer 36
loading onto the spindle 33
unloading 37
roller lubrication 172
rotating an image 89
rotation unexpected 157
safety precautions 2
scale a print 86
overnight job 181
urgent walk-in job 185
secure disk erase 141
sleep mode wait time 24
slow printing 170
small image 156
smudging 151
software 9
acoustic 206
ecological 206
environmental 206
functional 204
graphic languages 205
hard disk 205
ink supplies 204
margins 204
mechanical accuracy 205
memory 205
paper size 204
physical 205
power 205
print resolution 204
spectrophotometer 99
squeaky rollers 172
stacking problems in bin 162
ink cartridge 77
printer usage 118
status 116