HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 87

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An introduction to HP apps


From Home variables
Some Home variables can be incorporated into a symbolic
definition. To access a Home variable, press


, tap

, select a category of variable, and select the

variable of interest. Thus you could have a definition that
reads F1(X)=X


+Q. (Q is on the Real sub-menu of the

Home menu.)
Home variables are discussed in detail in chapter 28,
“Troubleshooting”, beginning on page 507.

From app variables
All settings, definitions, and results, for all apps, are stored
as variables. Many of these variables can be incorporated
into a symbolic definition. To access app variables, press


, tap

, select the app, select the category of

variable, and then select the variable of interest. You could,
for instance, have a definition that reads


+X–Root. The value of the last root calculated in

the Function app is substituted for Root when this definition

is evaluated.
App variables are discussed in detail in chapter 28,
“Troubleshooting”, beginning on page 507.

From math functions
Some of the functions on the Math menu can be incorporated
into a definition. The Math menu is one of the Toolbox menus


). The following definition combines a math function

(Size) with a Home variable (L1): F4(X)=X


–SIZE(L1). It

is equivalent to x


n where n is the number of elements in the

list named L1. (Size is an option on the List menu, which is a

sub-menu of the Math menu.)

From CAS functions
Some of the functions on the CAS menu can be incorporated
into a definition. The CAS menu is one of the Toolbox menus


). The following definition incorporates the CAS

function irem: F5(X)=X


+CAS.irem(45,7). (irem is

entered by choosing Remainder, an option on the

Division menu, which is a sub-menu of the Integer menu.
Note that any CAS command or function selected to operate
outside the CAS is given the CAS. prefix.)