HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 239

background image

Statistics 2Var app


necessary), the

X Rng


Y Rng

fields in Plot Setup

view. (



3. Press



If the data set and regression line are not ideally
positioned, Press


and select Autoscale.

Autoscale can be relied upon to give a good starting
scale which can then be adjusted later in the Plot
Setup view.

Tracing a scatter


The figures below the plot
indicate that the cursor is
at the second data point of
S1, at ((1, 920). Press



move to the next data
point and display
information about it.

Tracing a curve

If the regression line is not showing, tap

. The

coordinates of the tracer cursor are shown at the bottom
of the screen. (If they are not visible, tap




to see the

equation of the
regression line in
Symbolic view.

If the equation is too wide
for the screen, select it
and press


The example above shows that the slope of the regression
line (m) is 425.875 and the y-intercept (b) is 376.25.

Tracing order





move the cursor along a fit or from

point to point in a scatter plot, use




to choose

the scatter plot or fit you wish to trace. For each active
analysis (S1–S5), the tracing order is the scatter plot first
and the fit second. So if both S1 and S2 are active, the
tracer is by default on the S1 scatter plot when you press


. Press


to trace the S1 fit. At this point, press


to return to the S1 scatter plot or


again to trace the S2

scatter plot. Press


a third time to trace the S2 fit. If you