HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 545

background image

Programming in HP PPL


sx2, sy2 are optional and if not specified will be the
bottom right of the srcGRB.
sx1, sy1 are optional and if not specified will be the top
left of srcGRB.
dx1, dy1 are optional and if not specified will be the top
left of trgtGRB.
c can be any color specified as #RRGGBB. If it is not
specified, all pixels from srcGRB will be copied.

N o t e

Using the same variable for trgtGRB and srcGRB can be

unpredictable when the source and destination overlap.



Syntax: DIMGROB_P(G, w, h, [color]) or

DIMGROB_P(G, list)

DIMGROB(G, w, h, [color]) or
DIMGROB(G, list)

Sets the dimensions of GROB G to w × h. Initializes the
graphic G with color or with the graphic data provided in
list. If the graphic is initialized using graphic data, then list
is a list of integers. Each integer, as seen in base 16,
describes one color every 16 bits.
Colors are in A1R5G5B5 format (that is,1 bit for the alpha
channel, and 5 bits for R, G, and B).



Syntax: GETPIX([G], x, y)

GETPIX_P([G], x, y)

Returns the color of the pixel G with coordinates x,y.
G can be any of the graphics variables and is optional.
The default is G0, the current graphic.



Syntax: GROBH(G)


Returns the height of G.
G can be any of the graphics variables and is optional.
The default is G0.