HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 200

3. Enter PRICE and tap
. You have named the entire
first column PRICE.
4. Select column B. Either tap on B or use the cursor keys to
highlight the B cell.
5. Enter a formula for your commission (being 10% of the
price of each item sold):
Because you entered the
formula in the heading of
a column, it is
automatically copied to
every cell in that column.
At the moment only 0 is
shown, since there are no
values in the PRICE
column yet.
6. Once again select the header of column B.
7. Tap
and select Name.
8. Type COMMIS and tap
Note that the heading of column B is now COMMIS.
9. It is always a good idea to check your formulas by entering
some dummy values and noting if the result is as expected.
Select cell A1 and make sure that
and not
showing in the menu. (If not, tap the button.) This option means
that your cursor automatically selects the cell immediately
below the one you have just entered content into.
10. Add some values in the
PRICE column and note
the result in the COMMIS
column. If the results do
not look right, you can tap
the COMMIS heading, tap
and fix the