HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 356

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Functions and commands

The syntax for many, but not all, the spreadsheet functions
follows this pattern:


Input is the input list for the function. This can be a cell range

reference, a simple list or anything that results in a list of

One useful optional parameter is Configuration. This is a

string that controls which values are output. Leaving the
parameter out produces the default output. The order of the
values can also be controlled by the order that they appear in
the string.

For example:

produces the following
default output, based on the
numerical values in cells
A25 through A37.

However, if you just wanted
to see the number of data-
points, the mean, and the
standard deviation, you
would enter
=STAT1(A25:A37,”h n
x ”). What the

configuration string is
indicating here is that row headings are required (h), but just
return the number of data-points (n), the mean (x), and the
standard deviation (). See page 352 for details on the
configuration string for this command.


Calculates the sum of a range of numbers.


For example, SUM(B7:B23) returns the sum of the numbers

in the range B7 to B23. You can also specify a block of cells,

as in SUM(B7:C23).
An error is returned if a cell in the specified range contains a

non-numeric object.