HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 387

Functions and commands
Inequality test. Returns 1 if the inequality is true, and 0 if the
inequality is false.
Equality symbol. Connects two members of an equation.
Equality test. Returns 1 if the left side and right side are equal,
and 0 otherwise.
Strict greater than inequality test. Returns 1 if the left side of
the inequality is greater than the right side, and 0 otherwise.
Note that more than two objects can be compared. See
comment above regarding <.
Greater than or equal inequality test. Returns 1 if the left side
of the inequality is greater than the right side or if the two
sides are equal, and 0 otherwise. Note that more than two
objects can be compared. See comment above regarding <.
Power symbol. Raises a number to a power or a matrix to an
integer power.
Given a symmetric matrix and a vector of variables, returns
the quadratic form of the matrix using the variables in the
a2q(Matrix, [Var1, Var2….])
a2q([[1,2],[4,4]],[x,y]) returns x^2+6*x*y+4*y^2
Given three polynomials A, B, and C, returns U and V such
that A*U+B*V=C. With a variable as the final argument, U
and V are expressed in terms of that variable (if needed);
otherwise, x is used.
abcuv(PolyA, PolyB, PolyC, [Var])
abcuv(x^2+2*x+1,x^2-1,x+1) returns [1/2 -1/2]
Used in programming with assume to state an additional
assumption about a variable.