HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 385

Functions and commands
described in “Keyboard functions” on page 309. Those that
are also on the
menu are described in “CAS menu” on
page 324. The functions and commands specific to the
Geometry app are described in “Geometry functions and
commands” on page 165, and those specific to programming
are described in “Program commands” on page 527. The
matrix functions are described in “Matrix functions” on
page 475and the list functions are described in “List
functions” on page 457.
Some of the options on the Catlg menu can
also be chosen from the relations palette
Factorial. Returns the factorial of a positive integer. For non-
integers, ! = Γ(x + 1). This calculates the Gamma function.
6! returns 720
x percent of y. Returns (x/100)*y.
%(x, y)
%(20,50) returns 10
Percent change from x to y. Returns 100*(y-x)/x.
%CHANGE(x, y)
%CHANGE(20,50) returns 150
Percent total; the percentage of x that is y. Returns 100*y/x.
%TOTAL(x, y)
%TOTAL(20,50) returns 250
Inserts opening parenthesis.
Multiplication symbol. Returns the product of two numbers or
the scalar product of two vectors.