HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 123

Function app
Note the
button. If you tap
this button, vertical
and horizontal
dotted lines are
drawn through the
current position of
the tracer to
highlight its
position. Use this feature to draw attention to the
cursor location. You can also choose a blinking
cursor in Plot Setup. Note that the functions in the
menu all use the current function being traced as the
function of interest and the current tracer x-
coordinate as an initial value. Finally, note that you
can tap anywhere in Plot view and the tracer will
move to the point on the current function that has the
same x-value as the location you tapped. This is a
faster way of choosing a point of interest than using
the trace cursor. (You can move this tracing cursor
using the cursor keys if you need finer precision.)
To find an
intersection of two
Just as there are two roots of the quadratic equation, there
are two points at which both functions intersect. As with
roots, you need to position your cursor closer to the point
you are interested in. In this example, the intersection close
to x = –1 will be determined.
The Go To command is another way of moving the trace
cursor to a particular point.
1. Tap
to re-display the menu, tap
, enter
1, and tap
The tracing cursor will now be on one of the
functions at x = 1.
2. Tap
A list appears
giving you a choice
of functions and