HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 386

Functions and commands
Addition symbol. Returns the sum of two numbers, the term-by-
term sum of two lists or two matrices, or adds two strings
Subtraction symbol. Returns the difference of two numbers, or
the term-by-term subtraction of two lists or two matrices.
List or matrix multiplication symbol. Returns the term-by-term
multiplication of two lists or two matrices.
List or matrix division symbol. Returns the term-by-term division
of two lists or two matrices.
Returns the list or matrix where each term is the corresponding
term of the list or matrix given as argument, raised to the
power n.
Division symbol. Returns the quotient of two numbers, or the
term by term quotient of two lists. For division of a matrix by
a square matrix, returns the left-multiplication by the inverse of
the square matrix.
Stores the evaluated expression in the variable. Note that:=
cannot be used with the graphics variables G0–G9. See the
command BLIT.
stores the value 3 in the variable A
Strict less-than-inequality test. Returns 1 if the left side of the
inequality is less than the right side, and 0 otherwise. Note
that more than two objects can be compared. Thus 6 < 8 <
11 returns 1 (because it is true) whereas 6 < 8 < 3 returns 0
(as it is false).
Less than or equal inequality test. Returns 1 if the left side of
the inequality is less than the right side or if the two sides are
equal, and 0 otherwise. Note that more than two objects can
be compared. See comment above regarding <.