Geometry functions and commands, Symbolic view: cmds menu, Point – HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 169

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Geometry functions and commands

The list of geometry-specific functions and commands in this
section covers those that can be found by tapping


both Symbolic and Numeric view and those that are only
available from the Catlg menu.
The sample syntax provided has been simplified. Geometric
objects are referred to by a single uppercase character (such
as A, B,C and so on). However, calculations referring to
geometric objects—in the Numeric view of the Geometry app
and in the CAS—must use the G-prefixed name given for it in
Symbolic view. For example:

altitude(A,B,C) is the simplified form given in this


altitude(GA,GB,GC) is the form you need to use in


Further, in many cases the specified parameters in the syntax
below—A, B, C etc.—can be the name of a point (such as
GA) or a complex number representing a point. Thus
angle(A,B,C) could be:


angle(3+2i,1–2i,5+i) or

a combination of named points and points defined by a
complex number, as in angle(GP,i1–2i,i).

Symbolic view: Cmds menu



Calculates the hypothetical center of mass of a set of points,

each with a given weight (a real number). Each point, weight

pair is enclosed in square brackets as a vector.

barycenter([[point1, weight1], [point2,
weight2],…,[pointn, weightn]])



returns point (1/2, 1/4)

point(1) 1

point(1+i) 2
point(1–i) 1