Entering and editing statistical data – HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 232

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Statistics 2Var app

The cursor jumps from whatever data point it was on
to the regression curve.

16. Tap on the regression line near x = 6 (near the right

edge of the display). Then press


until x = 6. If the

x-value is not shown at the bottom left of the screen,

. When you reach x = 6, you will see that



value (also displayed at the bottom of the

screen) reads 2931.5. Thus the model predicts that
sales would rise to $2,931.50 if advertising were
increased to 6 minutes.

T i p

You could use the same tracing technique to

predict—although roughly—how many minutes of

advertising you would need to gain sales of a specified

amount. However, a more accurate method is available:

return to Home view and enter Predx(s) where s is the

sales figure. Predy and Predx are app functions. They

are discussed in detail in “Statistics 2Var app functions”

on page 365.

Entering and editing statistical data

Each column in Numeric view is a dataset and is
represented by a variable named C0 to C9. There are

three ways to get data into a column:

Go to Numeric view and enter the data directly. See
“Getting started with the Statistics 2Var app” on
page 223 f
or an example.

Go to Home view and copy the data from a list. For
example, if you enter L1

C1 in Home view,

the items in list L1 are copied into column C1 in the

Statistics 1Var app.

Go to Home view and copy the data from a the
Spreadsheet app. For example, suppose the data of
interest is in A1:A10 in the Spreadsheet app and you
want to copy it into column C7. With the Statistics

2Var app open, return to Home view and enter




N o t e

A data column must have at least four data points to

provide valid two-variable statistics.