HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 296

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Finance app

payment. Find the size of the balloon payment—that is,
the value of the mortgage after 10 years of payment.

The following cash flow diagram illustrates the case of a
mortgage with balloon payment:

1. Start the Finance app:


Select Finance

2. Return all fields to their default values:


3. Enter the known TVM

variables, as shown
in the figure.

4. Highlight PMT and

tap .


PMT field shows –984.10. In other

words, the monthly payments are $948.10.

5. To determine the balloon payment or future value (FV)

for the mortgage after 10 years, enter 120 for N,
highlight FV, and tap


The FV field shows –127,164.19, indicating that the
future value of the loan (that is, how much is still
owing) as $127,164.19.