HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 266

background image


Solve app

Plot the


The Plot view shows one graph for each side of the solved
equation. You can choose any of the variables to be the
independent variable by selecting it in Numeric view. So in
this example make sure that A is highlighted.

The current equation is V


= U


+2AD. The plot view will plot

two equations, one for each side of the equation. One of
these is Y = V


, with V = 27.78, making Y = 771.7284. This

graph will be a horizontal line. The other graph will be Y =


+2AD with U =16.67and D =100, making, Y = 200A +

277.8889. This graph is also a line. The desired solution is
the value of A where these two lines intersect.

7. Plot the equation for variable A.


Select Auto Scale.

Select Both sides of En
(where n is the number of
the selected equation)

8. By default, the tracer is

active. Using the cursor
keys, move the trace cursor
along either graph until it
nears the intersection.Note
that the value of A displayed
near the bottom left corner
of the screen closely
matches the value of A you calculated above.
The Plot view provides a convenient way to find an
approximation to a solution when you suspect that there are
a number of solutions. Move the trace cursor close to the
solution (that is, the intersection) of interest to you and then
open Numeric view. The solution given in Numeric view will
be will be for the solution nearest the trace cursor.