HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 307

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off: Do not output messages.
The default is off.
You do not need to reconfigure the hdisk or restart the host when you

change this parameter.
In the OS error log, HDLM messages are output when an error occurs on

a path or the path is recovered. You can distinguish between messages

for path errors and for path recovery by using labels in the OS error log.


Label for a path error: HDLM_PATH_FAIL


Label for path recovery: HDLM_PATH_RECOV

The label for path recovery is output if the Offline(E) or the Online(E)

paths become Online due to an online operation or automatic failback.
Take measures recommended by Recommended Actions in the OS error

log as necessary. In addition, the detailed data in the OS error log

contains maintenance information.

If a label for a path error is output, the detailed data contains the

following information:

The first information item separated by spaces shows the

OSPathID (hexadecimal number) of a path with an error.

The sixth information item separated by spaces shows the OS

error code (hexadecimal number) of the cause of the path error.

If a label for path recovery is output, the detailed data contains the

following information:

The first information item separated by spaces shows the

OSPathID (hexadecimal number) of a path that has recovered

from an error.

If the message is output to the error log files (HDLM Manager log) at the

same time, check the content of that message also.
The following shows an example of an OS error log output by HDLM when

an error occurred on a path in the AIX 6.1 TL08 environment.In this

example, in the detailed data, the first information item separated by

spaces is 0001 indicating that OSPathID is 1, and the sixth information

item separated by spaces is 0005. Thus this OS error log indicates that

the OS error code 5 (EIO) has occurred.



Date/Time: WWW MMM dd hh:mm:ss TTT yyyy

Sequence Number: 3005

Machine Id: 00F8782C4C00

Node Id: natu

Class: U

Type: INFO

WPAR: Global

Resource Name: hdisk8

Resource Class: disk

Resource Type: Hitachi

Utility Reference


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for AIX


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