HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 88

Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
The formatting statements start with the word “PCO” and end with “ENDPCO”. Any statement between “PCO”
and “ENDPCO” is considered to be a formatting command.
The formatting commands are:
SKIPLINES { 1 | 2 |3 | … | 999 }
This parameter is used to indicate how many lines of the output should be ignored. If this parameter
is absent, then all lines in the output are scanned.
SKIP { 1 | 2 | 3 | … | 999 }
This parameter indicates how many lines of the output should be skipped after a match is found. If
this parameter is absent, then no lines are skipped after a match is found.
STARTCOL { 1 | 2 | 3 | … | 999 }
This parameter is used to indicate the column number from which each line of the output should be
scanned. If this parameter is absent, then processing starts from column 1 of each output line.
This parameter looks for lines beginning with the specified character. If this parameter is not given,
then the STARTCOL and TAKE parameters are required. The attributes that can be specified with the
TAR^CHAR parameter can be:
A character-list, enclosed in quotes
“alpha” which means, start considering the output if the first character is an alphabet
“numeric” which means, start considering the output if the first character is a number
“alphanum” which means, start considering the output if the first character is either an
alphabet or a number
TAR^STR “character-string”
This parameter looks for lines beginning with a search string. For e.g. if you specify TAR^STR
“collector”, then each output line starting with the word collector will be considered.
TAKE { 1 | 2 | 3 |… | 999 }
This parameter indicates how many characters should be considered in the output after a match has
been found.If this parameter is absent, the search algorithm will copy characters until a space,
comma, or EOL is found. The "take" parameter and the "until" parameter cannot coexist in the same
search rule.
UNTIL “character-list”
This parameter indicates which characters indicate the end of a name. All characters up to the
characters specified in the character-list are considered. An EOL always indicates the end of a name.
The default setting for this parameter is “ ,” (space or a comma)
This parameter indicates that after the first match condition is found, the rest of the line should be
PREPEND^MGR {name - template}
This parameter indicates whether the instance name should be prefixed with the manager name.
Here “name-template” can be specified as one of the qualifiers <$proc>,
complete list of name-template scroll above to the NCU section.
An example of formatting commands is as follows:
This indicates:
The first 4 lines of the output should be ignored.
No lines should be skipped after a match is found
Processing of every output line should start from Column # 1 (default)
A name should be considered only if it starts with a “$”
– (TAR^STR is not specified)
– (TAKE is not specified)
Since UNTIL is not specified, the end of a name is marked by either a space/ comma character.