HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 23

Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
Try to open a telnet session
If there is any error, ask user to modify logon information, otherwise proceed
Get system information of current resident and determine server series, serial number and FTP process name
Check if server series is appropriate for current installation version
If not, ask user to modify logon information, otherwise proceed
Do the following tests on destination $volume.subvol (and if required, backup $volume.subvol)
Does the volume exist?
Does the user have sufficient security in the volume?
Does the volume have enough disk-space for installation?
If any of the above tests fail, ask user to modify logon information, otherwise proceed
If the logon page appears more than one time for a resident, there will be an additional button 'Skip this
node' at the bottom of the page. The user may choose to skip installation on this resident
Validate TCP process name
Check if the TCP process name is a valid TCP/IP process in this resident
If not, show a list of valid TCP/IP process names along with their subnet IP address
Check for previous installation
Check if any version of Web ViewPoint is already installed in the destination volume
If yes, ask the user whether the Wizard should overwrite it or skip this resident
If user chooses overwrite, proceed to next action
Otherwise, skip this resident and ignore remaining actions
Stop necessary processes in the destination $volume.subvol
If no process is running, proceed to the next action
Otherwise, try to stop the processes. Try 3 times before reporting any error
If some of the processes are still running, ask user to stop them manually and perform the test again
User may choose to skip this command. Wizard will skip this resident ignoring remaining actions
Check if some of the process names are already in use
If so, and if there is a backup $volume.subvol, advise the user that some process might be running there
According to user's choice, try to stop processes in the backup volume and perform the test again
If some process names are still in use, notify user, skip this resident ignoring remaining actions
Check if some of the ports are already in use and proceed similarly as in process name validation
Prepare destination $volume.subvol
If there is a backup $volume.subvol
Stop necessary processes in the backup $volume.subvol
Delete necessary files from backup $volume.subvol
Copy necessary files from destination $volume.subvol to backup $volume.subvol
Delete necessary files from destination $volume.subvol
Upload files to destination $volume.subvol
Configuration files
Other ASCII files
Binary files
Script files
If there is any FTP error
Invoke recovery
Ignore remaining actions
Post-installation file-list check
Check whether all the required files are present in the destination $volume.subvol
If not, invoke recovery, ignore remaining actions
Start Web ViewPoint in the destination $volume.subvol
Post-installation process-list check
Check whether all the required processes are running in the destination $volume.subvol
If not, invoke recovery, ignore remaining actions
Post-installation cleanup
Delete script files from destination $volume.subvol