HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 129

Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
Performance Process Table Screen
CPU, PIN: CPU and PIN of the Process.
Program: The object file name of process.
Pri: Priority at which the process is running at.
P F R: Three flags designating the current state of the process:
P – Process contains privileged code.
F – Process is waiting for a page fault.
R – Process is on the ready list.
%WT:Is the process wait state (in octal). A value of 000 indicates the process is not waiting.
Owner: Guardian Group and User name, under which the process is running. For remote processes, this is
displayed as group id, UserID.
Home Term:Name of the Home Terminal of the process.
Ancestor: Name of the Ancestor Process (process which created this process).
CPU Time: CPU time used by the process, since its creation. Displayed format is: d:hh:mm:ss:ms where d
is day, hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ms is milliseconds in three digits.
Start Time: This is the date and time when the process was first started. In addition to literal date format,
the time is displayed in: hh:mm:ss:ms where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ms is milliseconds in three
Swap File: Name of the swap file name/location used by the process.
Ex. Swap File:Name of the extended swap file name/location used by the process.
C. Process Commands Menu
You may click on a process name (process name on a list, or its Ancestor, when displayed) to expose a menu of
available options/commands described below:
Properties: Displays detailed process information, in a separate Window. On this Window, the process name/id, as
well as its backup process (if any) is also linked to additional commands. You may also click on the program file
name for this process to receive detail file level information.
Files Opened: Displays a list of files currently opened by the process. You may then click on a File to expose a list of
commands as described in
. If this Process Window is the result of a command from the