HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 78

Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
On clicking Add Tokens… a new window opens up. There are three more buttons: Event Setting, EMS Template and
Existing display template. These functions are useful if the user wants a different set of tokens from those
displayed on the left listbox.
Event Setting: If you want tokens from a different list of events then click ‘Event Setting.’ Upon submitting criteria
a new Events Window displays EMS messages similar to an Events Query Window. The user can select collectors,
subsystems and event numbers to view the tokens of the last n messages. These tokens are retrieved from the
EMS messages and displayed in the left listbox of the ‘Display Template’ window.
EMS Template: On clicking the ‘Search’ button, the File Search window provides a list from which the user can
choose a User Template. After choosing the User Template if the user clicks ‘Submit’, the tokens contained in that
User Template are displayed into the left listbox of the ‘Display Template’ window.
Existing display template: If a Display Template is chosen from the drop down as shown in the above screen and
‘Submit’ button is clicked, the tokens present in that Display Template are displayed into the left listbox of the
‘Display Template’ window.
Note: Difference between Display Template and User Template
A Display Template is the template made through the Admin feature of Web ViewPoint (i.e. unique to Web
ViewPoint). It resides in the same subvolume as Web ViewPoint in the logged-in resident. A User Template is the
object file having code 839 and can reside in any $volume.subvolume of a member resident.
User can CHECK the option “HIDE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT” to hide Acknowledged events for that particular
Template. Clicking on Acknowlede Event ICON will HIDE the event.
Through this option the user can enter any application owner and subsystem. The application owner-subsystem
created through this option will be available in the Selection – Subsystem and Selection – Suppression tab of
Events Live, Events Query, Events Token Analyzer, and WebDash Events. They will also be available in the Master
Suppression feature of Admin.