3 ftp – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
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Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
Click on the Search button, once all conditions are set. The search operation begins on the host, and matching
entries are displayed on the Window’s right panel as they are found. You may stop the search operation at any
time by clicking on the Stop button. Once the search completes, you can print the results or export them to Excel
by using the icons in the upper right corner.
Clicking on a process name on displayed list, displays a pop-up menu with a list of available
Process Search Screen
5.3.3 FTP
You may FTP files between your PC and the NonStop Server on which Web ViewPoint is running. Click on the
icon on the upper right toolbar, and choose Guardian or OSS. This opens a dialog box to transfer files to and from
the host. On the left are the functions related to the NonStop server while the right contains those related to the
PC. By Default, the working Volume will be popped into textbox of Volume and its Path has the path of that
volume. You can also select the Volume from the dropdown list on the left. This populates the subvolumes list.
Clicking on any of the subvolumes will display the files contained in that subvolume. Similarly select the drive on
the PC from the dropdown list on the right, it will display the folder contained in that drive. The folder list can be
traversed by expanding the folder of choice. The contents of the folder are displayed in the File/Folder list.
The following operations can be performed on the NonStop server files:
Download: select file(s) from the NonStop server to be downloaded. Select a location on the PC to which the
file(s) are to be downloaded. Click on the Download button or the Download option from the pop up menu
(when the selected file is right-clicked).
Delete: select file(s) from the NonStop server to be deleted. Click on the Delete button on the NonStop host
side or the Delete option from the pop up menu (when the selected file is right-clicked).