HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 157

Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014
A user will be able to add/save a new subscription only when the group(s) or defined, if not notice that the ‘Save’
& ‘Save New’ buttons will be disabled.
To specify a new subscription click on Add Subscription, do the following:
Select a Collector, Owner, Subsystem and Event combination to subscribe to. Specify the following parameters for
the subscription and then click the 'Add' button.
A. Source: The user can specify their desired settings from the following options
Collector:Select a Collector by clicking on the Collector list box. To view information regarding a particular
collector, select the collector and press the information icon. A new subscription will be added for each collector
Owner:Specify an OWNER of the event that is to be subscribed to. To subscribe to an event irrespective of the
OWNER, select the ‘Any’ from the drop down list.
Subsystem:Specify a SUBSYSTEM of the event that is to be subscribed to. To subscribe to an event irrespective of
the SUBSYSTEM, select ‘Any’ from the drop down list. A subsystem for a pre-loaded list of TANDEM can be selected
by selecting the Subsystem radio button, checking the appropriate 'Series' and selecting the Subsystem from the
listbox. For a TANDEM subsystem that is not listed in the pre-loaded list, provide the information in the 'Other'
Event:The event of interest can be specified by its event type or event number or any. Select the corresponding
radio button.
B. Delivery: