Step 3: edit the scenario, Screen 1 of 3 – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 144

Related topic
“Creating a planning scenario” (page 65)
Step 3: Edit the scenario
The systems included in the scenario are listed on the System tab of the scenario editor. The bar
meters in the table show the peak resource utilization from data collected for the current week (the
default setting).
Making servers become virtual machines using automated solution finding
Select ten legacy servers from the manual consolidation example to become virtual machines, and
then select What-If Action
→Change Servers to be VMs→Automated Consolidation of Servers to
Screen 1 of 3
Modify the data range, if desired.
Define the destination VM host(s). This example assumes that no VM host was included in the
scenario, so you must define a VM host. This example demonstrates the selection “Customize
Template from Hardware Catalog” which guides you in selecting attributes for a “what-if” VM
Initially, the template requires that you supply a system name and a server series, as shown here.
When you select a server model in the next field, the template expands to show the other attributes
necessary to simulate the selected model. Select the desired attributes for the remaining fields, as
shown here.
144 Planning with Capacity Advisor