Filter creation tips, Using sub-expressions, When two expressions are false – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 114

Filter creation tips
Placing a match All inside another match All, or a match Any inside another match Any,
will be ignored. Any empty parentheses will be simplified when the query is saved.
The level on which an expression, or sub-expression, resides is shown by the indent. This helps
in determining which expressions are grouped together.
You have the ability to drag-and-drop expressions. Be aware that all sub-expressions will move
with their parent expression. Expressions and their sub-expressions can be moved inside or
outside other expressions.
The value of a floating point number is rounded when it is displayed in the user interface.
You should be aware of this when you are comparing values in a filter expression.
Due to rounding and the preciseness of computed averages, query results might present a small
matching error. The analysis software compensates for some of the more noticeable errors.
Using sub-expressions
“Network constrained VMs” provides an example of sub-expressions used in a predefined query.
In this case, the query is looking for a system type that can be an HP virtual machine, a Microsoft
Hyper-V VM guest, or a VMware VM guest.
When two expressions are false
If you create a filter where two expressions are false, be sure to nest the expressions appropriately.
For example, you might want to construct a query looking for all system types that are not HP virtual
machines and do not have more than two cores. In other words, the filter should match none of
((type=hpvm), (cores>2))
. In that case, the expression you construct should read as match
all of ((type!=hpvm), (cores<=2)).
This expression would be constructed as follows:
Click the
In the Match drop-down list, select All.
Create the first expression:
Click the
In the first drop-down list on the line, click the arrow next to Avg CPU (%).
The Attribute Selection dialog box appears.
Click the System tab, and then select Type under General System Information.
Click OK
In the second drop-down list on the line, select != as the operator.
Click the arrow for the third drop-down list and select HPVM as the value.
The first expression is now complete.
Click the
icon on this line.
Using Capacity Analysis