Defining the query, Creating and naming the query, Selecting the data to include in the query results – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 123

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Once you locate the large VMs that can be resized, you want to produce information to justify
why a large VM could be exchanged for a smaller one. To do this, you decide to add the following

The average loads.

The 90th percentile loads.

Information to identify the system: The system name and operating system running on the

You would not be interested in the hardware model and location, since the query is about VMs.
You also would not be interested in the server type or core count, since all systems being listed
would have the same values.

Defining the query

Defining this analysis query consists of three basic steps:


Creating and naming the new query.


Selecting the data to include in the query results.


Defining the filter that selects which systems appear in the query results.

Creating and naming the query


In the Analysis tab, select Actions



In the Analysis Query Definition screen:

Enter a query name of Low usage Large VMs.


Select the Viewable by all check box if others will be using this query, or leave it unselected
if you will be the only person using the query.


Enter a description such as These Large VMs are candidates for being replaced with
Medium or even small VMs

Selecting the data to include in the query results


Click Choose… to display the Attribute Selection dialog box.


Select the check boxes for the following attributes:

System tab: Select System Name and OS.

CPU tab: Select 15-Min CPU (cores), 90%ile CPU (cores), and Avg CPU (cores).

Memory tab: Select 15-Min Memory (GB) and 90%ile Memory (GB).

Custom query examples