Power tab – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 121

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Table 19 Attributes available for use in analysis queries: Disk Tab (continued)


Attribute Name


The system's disk I/O capacity as defined by
the user. If a value is not explicitly entered for
the system, the all-time highest observed
reading is used to estimate capacity.

Disk I/O Cap (MB/s)

Disk Capacity

The Disk High-Water Mark – the system's
all-time peak observed disk throughput in
MB/s, observed over the life of the system.

Disk HWM (MB/s)

The headroom percentage indicates how much
the demand for the disk I/O could grow before
violating the system's disk I/O utilization limits.

This metric is capped at 3100% to avoid
dividing by zero or other small numbers.

Disk I/O Headroom

The percentage of valid disk samples in the
selected interval. Data points can be invalid

The system is down and data cannot be
collected from it.

The CMS is down and cannot collect any

Data was collected, but a user marked the
data as invalid.

% Disk Valid


Peak, 15-minute sustained, 90th percentile, and average values are available as separate

attributes. See

Table 14 (page 115)


Power Tab

Table 20 Attributes available for use in analysis queries: Power Tab


Attribute Name


The amount of power used by the systems. This
value is computed from the power calibration
and may not exactly match the exact power

Peak Power (Watts)

Power Utilization (Watts)

15–Min Power (Watts)

90%ile Power (Watts)

Average Power (Watts)

The Optimal Performance/Watt. When fully
utilized, this indicates the system's relative
performance per watt of energy used.

Optimal Perf/Watt

System Performance per Watt

The utilized performance of the system over
the average power consumed. The larger the
number, the more work is done per watt of
energy used.

Observed Performance/Watt

Creating custom analysis queries