Calc – ROTRONIC LOG-HC2 Universal Datalogger User Manual
Page 55

Operators / brackets
+ - * / ^
Plus, minus, multiply, divide, to the power of
( )
Open brackets, close brackets
sqrt(no .)
Square root of the number
ln(no .)
Natural logarithm of the number (base e)
exp(no .)
Raise basis e to the power of the number
abs(no .)
Absolute value of the number
sgn(no .)
no . >0: sgn = 1
no . =0: sgn = 0
no . <0: sgn = -1
cos(no .)
Cosine of the number
sin(no .)
Sine of the number
tan(no .)
Tangent of the number
ctg(no .)
Cotangent of the number
arcsin(no .)
Arc sine of the number
arccos(no .)
Arc cosine of the number
arctan(no .)
Arc tangent of the number
arcctan(no .)
Arc cotangent of the number
sinh(no .)
Hyperbolic sine of the number
cosh(no .)
Hyperbolic cosine of the number
tangh(no .)
Hyperbolic tangent of the number
ctgh(no .)
Hyperbolic cotangent of the number
toggleSgn(no .)
Changes every second measurement parameter sign
Further functions on request